Friday, November 30, 2012


I know it's been awhile! I have been working on the same post for days! I want this blog to capture the entire journey. After looking back on our trip I realized that I missed telling you about so much. I want to share day by day so it's taking me longer.

So while I'm working on the massive in China post, I'll share these....

Our SS class at church gave us a shower. It was fabulous!

Cousin time with Molly!

Bathtime in Nonnie and Poppie's tub with Mason and Molly

My smiley girl

With her best buddy, Mason, at the Wildlife Refuge

Wagon rides!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I was going to post about this while in China but find it very appropriate this morning.

There were so many traditions and values about China that I loved. As we drove through Chinese customs into Hong Kong I couldn't help but cry. Bittersweet tears. I was bringing my beautiful child home. She no longer lives in an orphanage. An orphanage that did a phenomenal job with her (especially loving her) even with limited services. I looked back to China thinking about what she will miss that is so difficult to teach and show her in this country.

In China, tradition was still widely respected. They still care for the elderly. They either live with them or they have the proper means for care. They don't expect a government to send a check to their parents each month or expect a non-profit organization to bring a meal by each day. They take care of the ones who cared for them...

Three level houses where three generations live

We were given the utmost respect everywhere we went. It had nothing to do with nationalities. In China, they work hard to get jobs and what they have. You see it when their work is performed. They don't expect the government to send a check when they aren't working. They don't expect to receive aid and free medical if they never worked to earn it. They don't feel entitled to receive something if they don't earn it. We were shocked at all the lengths people would go through in China just while performing their job! If they didn't feel up to standard they gave us several apologies. Jeremy and I giggled thinking why are they apologizing for not inconveniencing us!! We were used to poor treatment at home all the time.

China is a communist country. I love having freedom in the US. I am saddened by the paths we have taken over many many years that have brought us to here. My dad once told me it's way too difficult to get back what's far gone. If each of us could spend a week in another country to experience the ways and attitudes then maybe that would help change this nation.

Teach our children to love, pray, work, give, and NEVER EXPECT!

Much love, hard work, and prayers for years ahead!

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Busy girl!

I thought I would be so good at keeping this blog updated! Well...I thought wrong! Natalee Grace is one busy girl!!

I am so proud to be her mom. She is so well behaved for a 2 year old. I may be biased but let me brag with details...

She whines only when she's hungry or sleepy. She loves everyone. She gets excited to have anyone play with her. She loves to give kisses to mama all day and when baba gets home she runs and kisses him and won't let go all night :) She closes every door or drawer you open. She carries my kitchen rug all throughout the house. She will find the smallest piece of dirt on the floor and hand it to me. She is obsessed with Ladybug (our Weimaraner) and won't leave her alone for one second. She now wants to lick everything just like Lady does...including licking Lady. Oh and she feeds her all her snacks so we have to watch closely. Her sleep & nap schedule is perfect now and there is no crying when its time to lay diwn. She is saying words some in English and some Chinese. She dances when she hears music. She screams when she bathes. She eats everything. She fits right in!

Our post adoption appointment was Friday. We will have several over a span of 6 years. It went well!

We had a busy week so we will sum it up in pictures!

Playing after a bath

Snuggles with Mama and ladybug

Making a mess

Trick or treating with Baba!

Our Birthday Princess

Its a "dird" (bird)

Thanks Poppie and Nonnie!!

Much love,

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