Thursday, March 19, 2015

Let It Go

Have you ever raised your hands praising Jesus? At church, home, mission trip, conference, just giving HIM all glory? It is the most amazing feeling. Let me just tell you!

I can remember as a 5 or 6 year old sitting in my grandfathers very small, very southern baptist church on the back pew. As he was preaching, very powerful and loud during sermons might I add, the older generation would yell out and raise their hands. I very quickly squirmed in Mom's lap nervously thinking something major was about to happen. Well major things were happening! Only I didn't start feeling it til much later in life. I am always so moved by our music at church. Week after week I lay my problems at His feet but Sunday mornings I have that opportunity to sing to Him about all He has done for me, us. When I close my eyes and feel that moment and hear those words naturally my arms raise. Arms raise and the tears flow uncontrollably every time! The weirdest thing. It reminds me of a Pez dispenser. You pull back the head and out shoots candy! :)

Next time you are at church, home, trip, anywhere giving Him praise try lifting your arms. It gives you a feeling like you are letting go of all and giving all to Him.

With that being said, we are constantly praying for patience. Please pray with us. I am really working on letting it go and giving it all to God. This is His plan and His timing so no need to be anxious.

I spoke with our case worker last Thursday and she said within the week our Home Study would be finalized and we begin the immigration process. We have already received lots of items for our yard sale. Thank you!!

I'll leave you with a picture of some anxious girls ready for a new little one :)

Much love,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Here we go again!

Last Sept we made the announcement that Natalee will be a big sister! Jeremy and I began the adoption process with Lifeline again and it has been busy ever since. The complete process will be very similar as Natalee's adoption. The only differences were a few easier steps (that we didn't have to duplicate) during our Home Study process. We have completed our HS and it is now being reviewed and approved by our case worker's supervisor. This could take up to 3 weeks. The timing is critical as China's requirements of us and our Home Study are detailed. The preparation of our dossier is next.

During this time our niece, Haley, came to live with us. It started out temporary for the month of December until her mother could find a home. She is now staying with us for an indefinite time. Haley is a very sweet, shy 10 year old girl. We are now in process of transforming Natalee's room to Haley's room and moving Natalee to share with her baby sister. The transition has been a challenge but I'm learning that it's not my way, it's God's way. I never quite understand why God chooses me to take on certain tasks/challenges but I learn that if I lean not on my own understanding and truly walk by all works out!

Soon we will be starting to apply for some grants and begin fundraising. Our first fundraiser is planned for May. We will be having a yard sale. If you'd like to help us by donating items, we would greatly appreciate it! The yard sale has always been successful for us in the past thanks to all of you! We have also discussed an online auction. If you have any other ideas, let us know!

(BTW-I made the decision to keep the blog name the same. After all, it is by grace we are here and given this opportunity!)

Much love,

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone