Monday, February 20, 2012

Fundraising and Grants

Jeremy and I have been working diligently on preparing for our next fundraiser, constantly trying to sell our t-shirts, and planning for new ways to raise money.  Now we are applying for grants.  That is a challenge.  I thought the initial adoption process (home study paperwork and dossier) was difficult but we had Karla guiding us through every step of the way.  When something was wrong, it was noticed and sent right back for revision.  This is not so easy.  We have so much to gather and turn in.  It must be perfect and there is no one to tell you what needs to be revised.  If it is not to their liking, you are out of grant for you. 

I am such a planner.  I think I get the pre-adoption finances worked out in my head and then SMACK, here's an increase.   Since adoption takes years and not months the prices inflate over time.  In some ways the length of time is good because it allows you to save and raise funds a little longer but it also continues to raise in price.  It somehow still comes out to be very stressful!  Then you have to consider the post adoption expenses. 

It always works out though.  We have fabulous family and friends that help us in so many ways.  Pray for us during this grant process that we are currently working through.  If we are not selected to receive the funds, there were other families in greater need.  At least there are so many orphans finding forever families!  That makes my heart happy...

Much love,

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