Sunday, February 5, 2012


This post really has little to do with Grace but yesterday was fun and I wanted to share.  We started the day early with an estate sale.  I am looking specifically for four old (all different) chairs for my kitchen table.  While searching through the home of the sale, I spotted a table in the corner filled with 1950's style hats with veils.  I felt an immediate connection to my Grandma Dayus.  I could see her wearing these.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I don't just buy things unless I really need them or see a useful purpose for them. The hats- there was no option.  Of course they were only $2 a piece so that helped. If Grandma was still here I would have been to her house immediately after the sale to find out stories about those style hats.  I still long for those stories.  On our drive home I looked at the hats thinking, "What on earth am I going to do with these?"  To those not aware, Jeremy laughs at me because I am on the other extreme end of a hoarder.  Instead of keeping everthing, I go through everything almost every 6 months.  If it clutters, I don't want it!  However, I bought the hats not only because they are beautiful but because I felt the connection to my grandmother that recently passed.  Watching enough episodes of Hoarders that scares me to death! LOL  That is what they do!!  Now I'm on the search for a unique way to display them...

I had lunch with my mom, aunt, and uncles yesterday.  One of the first things I did was of course tell them about the hats.  Mom said exactly what I needed to hear. Grandma had tons of those hats and they all remember them.  Made me feel great!

I finished my day with my friends.  What an awesome night!  We have a supper club and last night the menu was Greek.  I could not make it without friends and let me tell you...I have the best!!

Much love,

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