Sunday, March 11, 2012


We have been following several blogs of families that are currently adopting from China. Every day Jeremy and I look forward to reading them to learn valuable information. There are 9 Lifeline (my adoption agency)families in China now. All of those families picked up their sweet babies at the beginning of last week. All week they worked on bonding, trust, all different things to attach to their child. Most of those children dealt with grief. Something most of us have all dealt with. I have, recently. It hurts so bad inside and to see a baby go through this, I'm sure is far more difficult.

I have learned through my own grieving that it is a necessary part of life. I read these blogs in tears and think how can I do this? I even find myself going back to my adoption books and further read the grief sections. Yesterday I realized something though. It is good that they grieve because they have something special that they are grieving over. I don't want Grace to have had a miserable life in the beginning. I pray that she is being spoiled rotten by her nanny in her orphanage and loved unconditionally. I hope she loves her nanny too. I will hate to see her grieve but I would rather her life be happy now.

Jeremy and I are going to turn her life upside down. We will tear her away from everything she's ever known. It will be hard but she will find that it will be worth it.

Much love,

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