Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our child

I haven't blogged about this yet but this happens to be the number 1 question I get when I say we are adopting. "Why China?" After 19 months of explaining myself maybe this post will help clear things up.

So, why China?? Why not China?

Reason 1: There are 147 million orphans in this world. Yes I said that correctly, 147 million. This number can go up or down at any moment of any day. There are approximately 88 million orphans in Asia alone.

Reason 2: This is not where Jeremy and I necessarily "chose." We chose to follow what God placed on our hearts. When faced with major decisions I always wonder if I am doing what God wants not what I am forcing. This, I couldn't be more certain. Before even discussing our options with each other, individually we knew. We discussed our options of domestic or international and both of us were on the same page. Then we shared with each other how China had been on our hearts. Now that is God!

Reason 3: Every child deserves a home. Every child deserves a mommy and daddy that offers love, support, encouragement, and advice. Every child needs a bedroom, a bathroom, a backyard, neighborhood friends to ride bikes with. Every child needs a dinner table, a rocker to be relaxed to sleep in mom and dads arms, a bed to lay and get his/her back rubbed. Every child. This makes no difference what location the child was born in. EVERY child deserves a chance.

I do not argue with anyone when they state their opinions. Yours is yours, mine is mine. Just remember the number 147 million when you say your prayers. Let's find our orphans homes!

So, that is "Why China."

Much love,

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