Saturday, March 24, 2012

It's that time again!

Yard Sales are going strong right now! Ours is not far behind. I talked with our neighbor on Thursday night and she is all for a neighborhood sale again this year. She and another neighbor have always been the organizers. We are discussing for mid April. We should have an exact date within a week or so.

Last year our sale was a success. This is an easy fundraiser for us! We seem to always accumulate a huge amount in one year plus we get so many donations to sell. We even have items to pick up today! Since we expect this sale to be so large, we also plan on having a follow up sale in Decatur, if necessary. Our goal this year is $1000.00 . We have already sold our table and chairs, bakers rack, and treadmill. So to start our sale we already have $350!!

I don't want to forget...
We have had the most amazing emails, phone calls, texts, and messages this week! We are truly blessed and loved. Jeremy is so strong so I don't worry about him often. He stays so positive and always finds the good in the situation. I started realizing this week that this is all supposed to be happening. I know that sounds crazy but I mean exactly what it says. We all know God has your life planned way before you live it but there are times you think, that wasn't supposed to happen that way. I will break down a few milestones for you...
2008 begin planning for a child
2009 fertility clinic
2010 adoption begins
2011 turned 30 (can adopt from China!)
2012 the year that everything becomes final in China
February: did not receive referral due to paperwork glitch
March: did not receive referral due to no match
I have finally realized that these weren't bad points in our timeline! These were supposed to happen because Grace, our perfect little Grace was not in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, February, or March. God can't promise that we will understand why things happen at that moment and He can't promise we will always feel on top of the world. BUT He will provide! I have to scoot (as I say "scootch") over and let him take the wheel. He's got this! And she's coming in perfect timing.

Thank YOU for being such good friends and sharing your love with us!

Much love,

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Back on the waiting train

Karla called this morning and told me exactly what was expected. The list came out too soon and we did not receive a referral this time. I wish I could say I handled it like a dignified strong young woman but I can't. I stepped out of the office, sat in my car, and cried. I discussed it over with Karla and then made the call to Jeremy.

I was completely at peace last night. Prepared for whatever outcome. We know Grace is there waiting and we know we will travel to pick her up. We just don't know when. It's all the uncertainties and unknowns that break me.

Jeremy and I have gone through so many ups and downs since 2008 when we decided to extend our family. By all means I do not compare our situation to anyone else because everyone goes through terrible times. I have to constantly reel myself and my emotions back in and realize the whole picture. For me, I have grown and matured into a much stronger person. I also realize that I have to take moments to cry. If I don't...the tears don't go away, they only haunt you at a later time. Patience. That is a word that I really thought defined me. I learn day by day, minute by minute that this is an ongoing process that I am still learning.

The texts, emails, calls, and messages have meant millions to me. I was told to get my prayer chain going and I learned quickly how many people pray. That is amazing!

Hopefully we can meet Grace's precious face sometime next month. In the meantime, pray that baby home! Continue to pray for the other orphan angels that need a mommy and daddy.

Much love,

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Monday, March 19, 2012


I spoke with Karla (our case worker) today. She informed me that today is the day...the shared list was released in China. This list is sent to agencies at the end of every month. When the agencies receive them, they "lock" files that they feel will make good referrals for their families. The families receive the information on the referred child and must make a decision within 72 hours. This is an exciting, stressful, and very emotional time.

However my conversation with Karla didn't go as planned. She said that there was a very big chance that we will not receive a referral at all this month. This list came out only 3 weeks after the last list was released and the chances of a young child that fits us will be minimal. If we do receive a referral she said to be prepared that she might not be the right match for us.

This has been a very heartbreaking afternoon.

I quickly flashbacked to my days when we were receiving fertility treatments. After each procedure I had such hope and my anticipation was high, much like the past few weeks. Then I received the phone call saying it was yet again unsuccessful. I dread the call tomorrow. I do not want to assume it will be a "no" but when Karla told me to go to work as normal, my thoughts are almost certain.

What next? If we do not receive a referral, normally we would wait until the end of next month. On the bright side (Karla said this is the optimistic part) Maoming orphanage will be releasing their list of angels in early to mid April. We will be eligible to match with one of those children. This particular orphanage does not release their list very often. The last list was on July of 2011.

I am asking for prayers, much needed! We need prayers to get through a restless night ahead of us, a very agonizing day if I have to hear those words, any and all decisions we will have to make, and comfort for us and sweet baby Grace.

Much love,

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Past few days

Sunday afternoon we had a meeting with the Hearts of Compassion orphan ministry at church.  What a touching video we watched!  It was amazing to look around and see the passion for orphans in so many people.  The best part is that my husband has just the same amount of passion.  From day one he has been so active in not only our adoption but raising awareness and fighting for all orphans. 

I spoke with Karla yesterday.  I had been concerned because we had not heard back about our official log in date.  We are supposed to receive a referral at the end of this month and we must be logged in the system in order to receive that.  However, Karla informed me that there are no worries.  She said if we do not hear the word as we near the referral date, she will have the log in expedited.  I also inquired about the actual referral date.  She has still not heard yet but will notify me as soon as she finds out.  Sometime next week we should be receiving some information from her with details on how the actual referral process will go.  Getting closer!

Much love,

Sunday, March 11, 2012


We have been following several blogs of families that are currently adopting from China. Every day Jeremy and I look forward to reading them to learn valuable information. There are 9 Lifeline (my adoption agency)families in China now. All of those families picked up their sweet babies at the beginning of last week. All week they worked on bonding, trust, all different things to attach to their child. Most of those children dealt with grief. Something most of us have all dealt with. I have, recently. It hurts so bad inside and to see a baby go through this, I'm sure is far more difficult.

I have learned through my own grieving that it is a necessary part of life. I read these blogs in tears and think how can I do this? I even find myself going back to my adoption books and further read the grief sections. Yesterday I realized something though. It is good that they grieve because they have something special that they are grieving over. I don't want Grace to have had a miserable life in the beginning. I pray that she is being spoiled rotten by her nanny in her orphanage and loved unconditionally. I hope she loves her nanny too. I will hate to see her grieve but I would rather her life be happy now.

Jeremy and I are going to turn her life upside down. We will tear her away from everything she's ever known. It will be hard but she will find that it will be worth it.

Much love,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

It consumes me!

I am sure all of you can relate.  When you have something in your life that is in every thought, every decision, every choice. This adoption has completely consumed my life. 

It has really hit me hard this week.  I find myself dealing with issues at a whole new level.  Reactions are extreme when normally it wouldn't phase me.  Emotions are so high...

This past weekend I kept busy by finishing home projects and worked in the yard.  Even staying busy didn't help much.  I think the best solution is going to be time and prayers. 

Thankfully I have understanding friends and family that can deal with my crazy issues!! Deep breaths, no reaction, take a moment and I'll be fine! LOL

Have a great day :)

Much love,

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

No Mucho

No mucho going on here! I guess I should be practicing some Chinese instead of my Spanish. Lol!!

We are waiting on pins and needles each day to hear the official word that we have our LID (log in date.)  This means China has officially logged in our dossier to their system.  After that we are ready to receive a referral. 

We have been more than ready for her for years now.  The past few days I have been experiencing emotions, crazy dreams, and she is ALL I think about!  I thought maybe I am losing it.  However, I was reading another adopting mom's blog yesterday and realized that this seems to be the norm.  Maybe I am just experiencing what a pregnant mom would somewhat experience in anticipation of waiting to find out the sex of her baby.  We are just waiting to see a face for our baby :) 

If all goes as planned, we will see a referral at the end of this month.  There are some tough decisions ahead.  As excited as we are for that day to come (counting down!!!) it is also going to be extremely tough for us.  Please specifically pray for guidance for Jeremy and I to make the right decision.  Also pray for our nerves and emotions leading up to and during that happy yet difficult time.

Much love,

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our child

I haven't blogged about this yet but this happens to be the number 1 question I get when I say we are adopting. "Why China?" After 19 months of explaining myself maybe this post will help clear things up.

So, why China?? Why not China?

Reason 1: There are 147 million orphans in this world. Yes I said that correctly, 147 million. This number can go up or down at any moment of any day. There are approximately 88 million orphans in Asia alone.

Reason 2: This is not where Jeremy and I necessarily "chose." We chose to follow what God placed on our hearts. When faced with major decisions I always wonder if I am doing what God wants not what I am forcing. This, I couldn't be more certain. Before even discussing our options with each other, individually we knew. We discussed our options of domestic or international and both of us were on the same page. Then we shared with each other how China had been on our hearts. Now that is God!

Reason 3: Every child deserves a home. Every child deserves a mommy and daddy that offers love, support, encouragement, and advice. Every child needs a bedroom, a bathroom, a backyard, neighborhood friends to ride bikes with. Every child needs a dinner table, a rocker to be relaxed to sleep in mom and dads arms, a bed to lay and get his/her back rubbed. Every child. This makes no difference what location the child was born in. EVERY child deserves a chance.

I do not argue with anyone when they state their opinions. Yours is yours, mine is mine. Just remember the number 147 million when you say your prayers. Let's find our orphans homes!

So, that is "Why China."

Much love,