Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hours away

It's here! We actually leave tomorrow!!

The past week has been a whirlwind. We have literally been working on this trip every minute after work, every night for weeks. Our weekends have been spent in preparation of our home for our newest sweet angel.

Emotions have been out of control! Our family has been blessed WAY more than ever expected. A couple years ago Jeremy and I decided we were going to try to fund Lucy's adoption slightly different. We saved more and juggled finances at home in hopes to do very little or no fundraising. We were successful and had a couple extremely helpful fundraisers but there were some times it felt overwhelming. We never doubted God's plan for us though. I tried to control situations at times but God always proved Himself. The past few months and weeks we have been blessed with the most generous, kind-hearted, true friends! God sent us Angels! And I have been reminded many times about the size of my faith (Luke 17:6) and when I quit trying to control things...His plan worked! And He provided. I never shared about our doubts or overwhelming feelings so to see all the gifts, love, and prayers come in I KNEW it was God! Who else?!

That feeling when you just know you are doing everything God wants you to do because it can only happen by His amazing. I'm in awe.

Tomorrow will only get better. We embark on another life-changing event.
Please pray with us specifically for:
-our travels
-Natalee as she returns to her home country and old memories
-and especially Lucy as we expect her to grieve for her nannies and friends when she leaves the orphanage

See you from China, my friends!

(Pure excitement a few days ago when we got to tear off the first countdown!)

Much love,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, November 5, 2015

One more step!

I awoke this morning to an email from Guangzhou, China! Our Article 5 was completed and issued to our agency. It is now being sent to Beijing for the CCCWA to process our Travel Approval. That is our final step to Lucy! My heart is bursting this morning!!

TA typically takes about a week to receive and then you travel 2-3 weeks after receiving that. So we are looking at traveling the end of this month or beginning of December.

Please pray with us for each traveling family member (Jeremy, Natalee, my mom, my dad, me) and for Lucy during this time. We have a lot to get done and this is such a busy time of the year.

I have to keep reminding myself to stop and spend time in the moment. I get so caught up in planning and stressing these days that my family doesn't see the pleasant side...just the bossy. And I hate that!! I go to bed with this guilt at night. I know this too shall pass but I really need to balance.

It was wonderful to take off work yesterday to focus on Natalee and her field trip! Gave us some time to reconnect and gave me time to focus on her needs!

Next post should be our travel arrangements!!

Much love,

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone