Sunday, October 28, 2012

Silly Happy Girl

That she is!

Natalee Grace runs, laughs, giggles, says Mama and short phrases (no other words yet), cuddles at night, SLEEPS through the night, gives tons of kisses, loves on everyone, and still hates the bath!

The past few days we visited Nonnie and Poppie (my mom & dad,)

Kyle & Amanda have come to play a few times,

we took her to our favorite walking trail (Point Mallard,)

and we visited our family and friends at TVTC. Jeremy went back to work Thursday so we were a little sad but Cheerios cheered us up!

We have a fabulous SS class that has brought us the best dinners ever since we've been home! We love them so much and just can't thank them enough!

Her cardiologist appt was on Friday morning. She is seeing Dr Israel in Huntsville. We love him! She never cried!! She sat in my lap as he did an echo on her. He said her 3 major repairs performed in China looked fine. However since then she has developed a membrane on the left side of her heart. This causes the blood to flow over instead of through the valve. (I hope I'm telling this right.) Membranes grow and will need to be removed but not too soon. They tend to come back. It will have to be removed through open heart surgery again. The murmur that the Chinese Dr heard was related to this membrane. We will see him again in 6 months and then annually.

This week is a big week but we are keeping it small. She has Halloween, her birthday, then our post adoption visit. I don't think she's quite ready for big events so no big birthday party yet. I think we may just have some cake and family with no pressure for her to open gifts.

Much love,

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Loves meeting people!

At least my girl is social...well without talking! Her laugh and smile says it all!

The past few days she has opened up tremendously. She runs through our house squealing and laughing. Her Baba chases her and she runs into my arms!

We started the day yesterday at her pediatrician's office. He said she looked great! She needs to add on some pounds by taking Pediasure but other than that she's good. Her height is in the 5th percentile on the charts and her weight is below 5th. He'd like to see them both match. We are scheduled to see the cardiologist on Friday.

Later we visited my work. She played and loved on my "family" at work!

Our car ride home after running wild at work

Baba taught her how to get the mail!

She actually rocked herself to sleep on the rocker/rider that Jenifer and Tony gave us.

Last night we went to Aunt Tammy and Uncle Randy's to have dinner with them and Grandma. Natalee loved every minute!

Aunt Tammy teaching her some piano skills

Sitting with Grandma

She was so tuckered out from a busy day that she slept much better last night!

Much love,

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day by Day

Each day is getting better and our relationship is growing stronger! We have had several visitors and she has loved on each one! At least we do know that she loves company :)

Since we have been home we have stayed in trying to get our bodies adjusted from jet lag. I am probably the least affected. I can pretty much fall asleep when my eyes close so adjustment is not as difficult. However the difficult part is the lack of sleep I've had. This is due to Natalee not adjusting well at all. I'm up with her all through the night.

Today we ventured out and made a grocery store run. She of course did great. We also carved a pumpkin with Meg.

At dinner, Natalee fell asleep sitting up. She then slept 3 hrs straight and now wide awake. Oh well, it's a process!

She is a happy, playful, and loving little girl. She loves her parents and loves to give kisses. She is beginning to make sounds other than crying and whining now :)

We have her Dr appt on Monday so I will keep you posted!

Much love,

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Momma's Tears

We decided when we got home that love bug would not be sleeping in our bed. She has a toddler bed that is a perfect size for her little body. Last night (this morning) after getting in from the airport about 2 am, we played and she met our Lady Bug (Weimaraner dog) until about 4:30 am or so. We did bedtime ritual and prepared her for sleep. Remember we are all on China time so our bodies think its afternoon. Daddy started first and rocked her. She screamed. And screamed. And cried. And screamed. Mommy came in and let daddy go to bed. I rocked her for a good hr while she cried some, played with the rocker some, oh and screamed. Finally I gave up with that and decided to lay her in her bed. Wow that girl can scream. I have a cot made right next to her bed so I kept my arm on the bed with her and rubbed her sweet face. While she screamed. She kept putting her hands on my face and rubbing. Finally after a long while she gave out. She lasted all day in her bed! Jeremy came in and woke us at 3:30 in the afternoon!!

Tonight different story. We are trying hard to get on US time so we started to bed early. It would be her nap time for China so I'm not sure she will sleep all night but we will see. I started rocking her until she went to sleep. Perfect! Not! After awhile I went to lay her down and she woke. I tried to rub her back to sleep and then she realized she was in her bed. It was all over. She was screaming!! It got much worse tonight though. She was scared. I held her while still in her bed thinking that would help and it stopped the crying but she would not let go and held tight. For at least 30 min. Finally I said come to momma, crying stopped and she crawled on my cot and on my chest to fall asleep immediately.

That feeling of your child being in total fear and the only thing that gives her comfort is your hug, your arms, your chest, and your kiss. I held her tight, cried, and prayed over her. I see everyday how God has worked miracles in my baby girls life. She has gone from an orphan living in a facility with hundreds of children and a rotating shift of caregivers. In less than 2 weeks she has found strength, love, and comfort in 2 people that look and sound weird. When I see what God gives her the strength to do each day, I know she can overcome bedtime.

Until then, this momma will give up sleeping in her bed, will give her chest to her baby to sleep on, whatever she needs to feel the safety.

Now to share some pics of her first day home!!

In her rocker from Uncle Mark!

Lady Bug trying to steal my bed before bedtime

This video is of her eating dinner that Poppie made us! She LOVED it!

Even though we flew in so late we had a huge turnout at the airport! I'll get those pics tomorrow and post them :)

Much love,

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Monday, October 15, 2012


We will be arriving in Huntsville on 10/17 at 9:20 p.m. Our flight # is JL 7648 Japan Airlines (I think operated by American Airlines.)

If you would like to come to the airport to see Natalee Grace we would LOVE to see you! Just pay attention to if our flights are on schedule or delayed.

This is a very important time during her attachment to us and we ask that you not hold her or pick her up if she is walking and reaches for you. It is important that this is only Jeremy and myself that hold, feed her, and bathe her just until she truly understands we are her parents. You are welcome to hug, touch, and give all the kisses you want!!

Oh and don't be alarmed when you see greasy, oily, dirty Mommy & Daddy. We will clean up baby but there's no hope for us in the airplane after 20+ hours!!

Can't wait to see you there!!

Much love,

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Packed with Fun!

Early early morning! We left for our consulate appt at 7:50 am. During this we were asked to take an oath, turn in documents, and sign the last forms at the US Consulate.

In her patriotic dress that Tara gave her!

We came home played and then napped.

She loves music!

Then we met with our group and went to the zoo.

Our little hot sweaty monkey

The bears are the only one that she got scared of after we sat looking for a minute. She wanted to hurry through that section.

The hippo

This is for Mason! Chinese War Eagle!!!

I know this isn't a very good angle but these monkeys were so cute! All 3 were holding on to each other and walking everywhere!

We got back to the hotel and went to the playground. This time Daddy came so we got to try the slide.

She will get better with practice! And maybe a playground for younger children :)

We went to an Italian restaurant for dinner with the Hardee family. It was yummy! Jeremy started packing and let me lay down and get some rest. I've been fighting back a cold (caught from kissing on my daughter!) and that plus the meds I'm taking beat me down at night.

****I started writing this blog on Monday but didn't finish til Tuesday morning so I will combine both.*******

So today (tues) we go shopping at Shamian Island and then leave for Hong Kong!

This will be a stressful day because we will be gone during her nap time but at least we have a 2 hr drive this afternoon to HK. She is just like me and loves to sleep in the car.

It is going to be so so sad to leave the Hardee's today. We have become so close. Wish they didn't live in California. I guess when we go out that way to visit family we will definitely meet up with them!

I probably won't be able to post from HK.

Much love,

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Shopping Shopping Shopping

Shopping pretty much sums up our day! We met up and had breakfast with friends then went for a stroll in the garden. After that we met with our group to go shopping at a local mall where they sold wholesale jewelry as well. We purchased some pearls as gifts and a Chinese dress for Natalee.

I also wanted a jade piece to wear until Natalee is older and then pass on to her. It is Chinese tradition. We found a beautiful jade bangle that I will wear everyday. As the years pass, the jade will begin to darken.

This afternoon, Nat and I went to the playground. It was a little difficult for her but she gave it a good try!

We had a group photo this evening in the Chinese dresses. The riverboat cruise was immediately after but Natalee wasn't in a very happy mood and we have an extremely early morning so we skipped. Good call because this was the first night in a long time that she crawled up in Jeremy's lap and fell right to sleep. Normally it's a fight and normally she has to cuddle with me.

Tomorrow morning at 8:30 is our Consulate Appointment then we have the zoo in the afternoon. We leave Tuesday for Hong Kong! Just a few more days til we return to U.S.!!!

Much love,

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Friday, October 12, 2012

Catch up!

We have a lot to catch up on! We are in Guangzhou now and we have wifi in our room. Now I can check Internet and blog each day!

Thursday we went on a boat ride across the West Lake. It was beautiful and relaxing. Well until Natalee decided to be a 2 yr old and got grumpy because she was tired and hungry!! A few snacks later and she settled some...

Our boat

Pagodas in the water

People were stopping us to take her photo. I'm guessing it was the flower! lol


SongLian was tired!

We went to a fresh pearl market and I bought her a pearl pendant necklace. This is her "special" coming from her province. We then stayed in the van with her while she napped and the Hardee's did some shopping at the silk market. When we left there we had stop by the notary office for some documents and then back to the hotel for packing.

Friday we had a free day until 2 when we left for the airport. It was sad to leave Savor. She has been such a blessing! At least we are still with the Hardee family though.

CoraGrace sat next to us on the plane. Natalee did well. No crying! It was so hot though.

We are staying at the Garden Hotel and it is gorgeous. the most amazing place we have ever stayed!

Our room


They gave her a panda :)

She's been sick with a cold so we've been fighting that especially at night. She's a fiesty little thing when she's sleepy. She screams and screams. The orphanage said they didn't rock her, read to her, or sing to her and all lights are out. Well...obviously it doesn't apply with us. She hates the crib. The first couple of nights she let me rock her but now she just fights me til she just gives out and falls asleep. She climbs right out of the crib. We tried last night and all of a sudden she's standing in front of us. Scared me to death! Jeremy said "uh oh little ninja!" Guess we will just be out of sorts til we can get home and establish a good routine.

She still hates the bath. We make it short and sweet and hope one day there will be no tears (&screams.) She has not said any words or made any sounds yet. She smiles and kisses us but won't laugh out loud. She loves to play and play rough! She likes to play flip and run up and pound her head up against your chest. She thinks that's so fun. Seems like boy stuff to me. Where's my sweet gentle girl??!!

We had the best breakfast ever at the buffet then went to our medical appt. I will go into detail about that later. I have to go to make it to our next meeting at 3.

A very unhappy baby at medical appt

Much love,

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